Adventure Stories with the Handpan

Adventure Stories with the Handpan


By Hollis Taylor

If you know Bright Hawk either by the fire, in spiritual community, as a musician, or in a facility you know that she holds a special talent in bringing people together. Bright Hawk’s work with Let’s Dance has lead her to tremendous growth in a way that is beyond words and sentences on your screen. I find her tremendous talent as a storyteller best shown when she combines it with her delightful abilities with the handpan. Here is her most recent video including a performance with the “Women of the World” as well as pieces of her “Dancing Happy Hippo Storytime Adventure” that can help you understand this dynamic being of peace and light. Her delightful smile and amazing talent of the handpan combined with her shiny personality and inspirational messages take her to gatherings around the world. Festivals all over the world delight in Bright Hawk’s presence at their events as well as libraries, schools, and other family based events.

Never before seen! Amazing Storyteller Handpan Player! Adventure Stories about Traveling and Bright Hawk’s very own creative stories for children of all ages. We invite you to WATCH FREE with these videos or DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO FOR CHILDREN OF ALL AGES!

Furthermore, notice how Bright Hawk’s stories bring communities together, over and over again. Inspired by Bright Hawk’s stories and hand pan music many communities experience great inspiration by her presence.

Bright Hawk also has been playing the African Drum, Djembe for over 20 years. Many would first notice her amazing abilities rhythmically and honor her for her profound experience with both beginners and professionals alike! Here she is featured with the group “Women of the World”.

Swallow Hill Music – Open Mic

Swallow Hill Music – Open Mic

Open Mic – the community gathers! The anxiety in the room heightens as the group of new musicians gather to support each other and take their moment in the spotlight. There are several open mic events in Denver, every night, all over the city. Tonight, we are visiting Swallow Hill Music – Open Stage.

Swallow Hill is a gathering spot for musicians in Denver, CO. They provide space for classes, concerts and community music gatherings. Often Bright Hawk attends this open stage and has been featured as the “Best of” open stage. Once a month they have an open stage and they choose several people from the open stage that are considered the “best” to be featured at a special concert the following the month. Providing more space for the community to not only connet in community but also to lift each other up. Sharing audiences helps all in attendance to develop as musicians. We can lift each other up and celebrate our diversity. Swallow Hill Music certainly has the feel of not only professional musicians but also the community of people that celebrate music.

Bright Hawk plays the hand pan in a way that is different than most other hand pan players. Her background in percussion, music and African music shows through in her diversity and talents. The instrument, the Hang PANArt, is a very unique instrument but is normally played for only atmospheric music, until Bright Hawk.

Bringing her instrument to the stage brings immediate interest as usual. Everyone has questions about how to get one and where it comes from. The instrument is interesting and the sounds it provides for music enthusiasts is uniquely interesting. The sounds are compared to many other instruments such as the harp and even an orchestra! Some people have even insisted there is something inside of it, really underneath in that big hole. Others want to know how to get one or where they can get it. The instrument in itself gets tons of attention.

Once you get past the initial fascination with the instrument you are moved by the smiling Hang PANArtist and amazing talent of the Percussionist Bright Hawk. Her 20 years experience and lifetime of music study shows through in her compositions. Songs that begin and end in a way that feels like she took you on a journey. A journey with an instrument tuned in F that inspires happy and joyful feelings. She does two songs at the open mic that are upbeat and fun. One song with a little visualization about traveling and honoring those that have come before us. Then we are reminded of where the original Americans came from with a fun Irish Story and music that inspires community and hospitality.

By Hollis Taylor

Percussionist Concert?

Percussionist Concert?

Bright Hawk has over 20 years experience as a percussionist. Her background began with African rhythms on the Djembe, branched out into marimba, and now is combined on the hand pan, Hang PANAart. The Hang is a very special instrument and for sure deserves the attention it gets but also neglecting to bring Bright Hawk’s percussion talents to the stage would leave us all missing out.

Bright Hawk is best known for her work on the Djembe and most people in the drumming world know who she is and respect her talents. She drums along side may names and along with many well known bands, including String Cheese Incident. Her percussion abilities are rarely matched and she is unique among other female drummers. Bright Hawk has had a long time vision of playing with a DJ for parties, concerts, and shows.

Recently she joined forces with Izzy Ahee, a new DJ, creating the Crazy Monkeys. Simply a DJ who lays down some fun beats that fit the audience. Songs that inspire our hearts, bring life to your feet, and bring community together with music. Their debut show is at Cannon Mine Coffee in Lafeyette, CO on March 31st, 2016 at 7pm.


By Hollis Taylor