
Magic Sunset Story Time! Storytelling Playshop

Bright Hawk - Story Teller


A Delightful performance for people of all ages! Not to be missed! Traditionally stories are used to teach and entertain. Characters come to life, speaking through nature, metaphor and spirits of the ancient one. Bright Hawk shares inspirational stories from around the world, inviting our imaginations to create healing and magic through storytelling, drumming and song.

Bright Hawk also offers a fantastic workshop for the storyteller in all of us. Bright Hawk has been teaching people to tell stories for years in and out of the corporate setting. Based on her highly valued workshop in the corporate setting she offers a storytelling workshop for everyone. This workshop “Musing at the Crossroads” can be a fun, delightful, and enriching workshop for diverse communities. Storytelling brings your community together in a better understanding of each others personal stories.