Highlights from Rites of Spring 2018

Highlights from Rites of Spring 2018

By Hollis Taylor

Sign up for further updates about Bright Hawk’s appearances and reflections of her festival experience through this newsletter, sign up here.

May 2018 Earth Spirit community organizes their 40th Rites of Spring that includes history and future elements for the Massachusetts based community. The event no only included Bright Hawk but also historic members like Jeff & Spinner McBride, Selena Fox, and Wendy Rule.

25 years at Rites of Spring has been part of Bright Hawk’s path through many transformations from earliest in her seeker days to now as she steps forward as an elder, wise woman, and one of the best storytellers in the world. Her abilitiy to engage is clear at the traditional Magic Sunset Storytime held at least twice during the event. Just after dinner the community slowly moves themselves into position creating a very large comfortable listening space around the campfire space just outside the dining hall. Bright Hawk often tries on new ideas with the Rites of Spring audience because she is at her best among her chosen family. Assured that they will support and love her in her creative process. Bright Hawk offers music along with her stories in the past it was just the djembe but in her most recent transformations she has began to master playing the handpan along to her stories. A unique ability along with this unique instrument creates a storytelling experience among no other. Something different for families with children of different ages. An experience that engages the parents, big kids and little kids alike – an experience that in the Rites of Spring community that has now become a tradition. A celebrated tradition of listening to stories forgotten, transformed, and created by Bright Hawk that teach deep lessons like respecting nature, everyone serves a purpose, and how to transform our scars. A fantastic experience that helps bring together community and families with respect to how humans have always done it around the fire but also speaks to our today – with music and even live characters for our busy minds.

Storytelling was the overall theme of Rites of Spring in 2018 and Bright Hawk found herself with a new transformation of her storytelling teachings. Her background with storytelling in corporations in order to build teams and understanding, therefore increasing productivity, was only the first step in Bright Hawk’s newest creation “Storytelling to Inspire Consciousness”. From an intense 90 minute workshop that seems to open hearts and inspire even the shyest of the participant to now a 2-3 part series that takes us deep into storytelling. Starting with HOW to share our stories in a way that engages, inspires, and transforms the listener and using those tools to take us all deeper. Bright Hawk’s 2 or 3 days events help us to use those tools to deepen our relationships with others – creating vulnerability, understanding and community on a deeper more intimate level. Bright Hawk created a taste of this 2-3 days experience at Rites of Spring with a two part intensive, each 90mins, where participants were encouraged to attend both the first and second session. Each one of these intensives, with just a dozen individuals, that by their choice to engage are fortunate to create lasting bonds with the others in the intensive by simply sharing their story in a way that engages and inspires. When people are able to be present and listen to each others stories a deep understanding is created, therefore creating a deeper more peaceful understanding for others. This practice could potentially create serious transformations in communities leading to sustainable peace. When we work to sustain peace among ourselves as a community we are able to take inspiration to the world at large in hopes to find more peace.

Bright Hawk’s presence enhances the entire experience of rituals and traditions among the community in a very special way. Bright Hawk’s rhythms with the djembe are never taken for granted among the Fire Circles every other night, she is often known to be a very strong group drummer and helps bring drummers together with her confidence and guidance. Bright Hawk’s presence among the community brings beauty and music to rituals that inspire original tradition. Tradition that was created by this community for this community and held in a healthy way through tears and struggles to celebrations and growths. Bright Hawk is honored to be part of a community that understands deeply how to hold each other through all our parts, even the ones that aren’t as comfortable as others. Building community goes deep and to have her roots deeply in the Rites of Spring community gives Bright Hawk inspiration and confidence to carry her amazing talents and messages around the world each year.

Sign up for further updates about Bright Hawk’s appearances and reflections of her festival experience through this newsletter, sign up here.

2018 Tour Announcements!

Hoping to catch Bright Hawk on her East Coast tour? Check out these awesome festivals that are featuring Bright Hawk on their line-up!

Rites of Spring
The 40th Rites of Spring is May 23-28,2018


Touch Mother Earth

JUNE 1-3rd, 2018


JUNE 22nd – JUNE 24TH 2018


The New York Faerie Festival
June 29th thru July 1st, 2018


The Starwood Festival
Wysteria Campground in OH
July 10 – 16, 2018


ARISE Music Festival
August 3-5, 2018 • Sunrise Ranch • Loveland, Colorado



Cascadia Fire
Oregon Coast
October 4th – October 7th


Cascadia Fire2018

Bright Hawk @ Cascadia Fire

Bright Hawk @ Cascadia Fire

A Quote from Cascadia Fire

“We are a part of an extended network of gatherings in this vibrant emerging tradition that has deep roots and many branches throughout the United States and beyond. Through CascadiaFire and the broader tribe of Cascadia Vortex we honor and celebrate the confluence of Fire and Water in creating healthy culture together.

We carry the torch of the Fire Circle home and draw from deep roots in Cascadia and various magickal traditions to gather with the explicit intent of co-creating and cultivating community and healthy culture that embody creativity and respectful relationships.”

Thursday, July 27 to Sunday, July 30 – 2017


HandPan Storytelling Adventure

By Hollis Taylor

Bright Hawk’s latest video. The best depiction of her recent creative achievements as well as her experience and skills that she carries to any event or place she is part of.

Handpan Storytelling Adventures are like nothing you have ever seen before. Bright Hawk has always presented story-time that is fun for the the entire family. Her stories capture the imagination of the child inside all of us while her animated storytelling talents entertain children of all ages. When she takes those talents and combines it with her handpan songs you find yourself with an Story-time experience like no other. You can watch it for FREE and even DOWNLOAD THE MP4.

Bright Hawk has a background in African Drumming and a lifetime of experience as a performer and musician. Her talents can be seen with the Djembe and recently she was celebrated as a female percussionist with the group “Women of the World” at Unifier Festival in 2016. She has also spent more than 20 years facilitating fire circles and other community centered events. Her lifetime work in colleges and corporations have supported her development of leadership training and workshops that inspire a rise to the natural leader. Bright Hawk brings more than just entertainment to your festival she brings inspiration and programs that build community.

10th Annual Forestdance – Costa Rica 2017

10th Annual Forestdance – Costa Rica 2017

Bright Hawk is honored to be part of Forestdance – Costa Rica 2017

10th Annual Forestdance Costa Rica Healing and Expressive Art Ceremonial Fire Circle Gathering

March 1st-6th, 2017, at Verdenergia, Lanas de Puriscal, Costa Rica

Come join our family as we share in deep and profound celebration of our lives together on sacred land,
in the hills of Costa Rica where we are reminded of just how alive we can be together.

Our facilitators and teachers will help guide the all night fire circle on an always profound journey, clearing the way for us to access and reclaim our own core, our inspiration, and our connection to nature.

Forestdance is a ceremonial gathering, a rite of passage.

This gathering is so profound, so beautiful, that it has shaped a community. It has reignited passions for so many talented people, and has shown an alternative way to co-exist that many of us have stopped dreaming about long ago.

Due to the deep nature of this event, to cultivate a powerful space, we ask all attending to arrive on the 1st to prepare for the start of the ceremony on the 2nd. No one will be admitted after orientatation.

We are proud and grateful to celebrate our 29th Forestdance gathering, (our 10th in Costa Rica).

We highly suggest to our attendees to schedule in a day and night for integration on site on the 6th of March. We’ll be gathering and offering additional activities on the 6th and potentially on the 7th.

For a deeper look into what happens in our ceremony, please read the following:

Meet some of our teachers:

See some testimonials:

To register: http://www.heartbeatcollective.org/CostaRicaRegistration

For FAQ’s:

“…Between the Tribes’ harmonic music, the laughter of the children and dawn tea made from roots of earth and wood, I reconnect to my family, myself, my power, our power, and the song that life always wants to sing through me but I don’t always hear. At Forestdance, I can hear.” -Robin Sol

Due to the intimate nature of this experience we cap the gathering below 100 attendees.