Bright Hawk performs around the world and is available for transformational healing programs, workshops, yoga classes, retreats, events and gatherings. Excellent at performing at venues large and small, she brings sweetness to a garden party, wedding, house concert, coffee houses and theaters. She is a featured performer at many festivals as both a musician and storyteller.

Bright Hawk is gifted at playing many instruments and has been performing, teaching and playing music throughout her life, in a variety of venues around the world including hospitals, hospice, schools, yoga classes, and healing programs. She also has a marimba band in Boulder, Colorado that is well loved. Currently, she plays the PanArt music in hospice care facilities and is a certified hospice volunteer in Boulder, Colorado.

Her CD, Echoes of the Deep Waters with Sacred Side Project is a favorite for its deeply healing, relaxing and inspiring music. Practitioners around the world are finding it helpful in supporting people on their healing journey.

Echoes of the Deep Waters

Sacred Side Project featuring Bright Hawk, Jason Cohen, Eric Freeman, Chris Baum

Bright Hawk has a Bachelor of Arts, summa cum laude from California State University Long Beach. As a musician, she is playing and supporting healing programs through  her music on the Hang PanArt around the world. A compassionate humanitarian, Bright Hawk is building a life of doing what she loves and loving what she does.

Let’s Dance — Healing with Music and Movement offers programs for the cognitively impaired using music and movement to engage in moments of joy, providing stress relief, physical exercise and big smiles!

The Let’s Dance program provides a unique vibrational setting and healing sound experience through the music of the Hang PanArt instrument played by Bright Hawk; complimented by Hollis Taylor’s gentle guidance and movement with the participants. Together they create a peaceful, safe, collaborative environment within which to engage, relax, and respond in natural and joyful ways.